Cozumel Charters


"We had a GREAT time! 3 of the 5 girls got a little sea sick....but they were troupers and hung in there. Once they snorkeled for a while they seemed to come around. Everyone loved the fishing (especially the catching)! We had a great time and will highly recommend your services to anyone interested. I would like to thank the crew as well! Manuel did an outstanding job of keeping everyone comfortable and the crew was fabulous as well. Please tell Jorge, Ramon and Pancho thanks from all of us once again! In addition I would like to leave some photos and feedback through various websites. I plan on leaving a comment on Trip Advisor. If there are any others that you can refer please respond and I will visit those as well. Once again, thank you for making this transaction so easy and smooth. Trip of a lifetime for the girls. Not sure if they will fish again, but a memorable experience which they are all raving about with their co-workers and friends. My wife and I are looking forward to our next trip, probably in later October or early November. - Eddie from Corpus Christi, Texas

"We had a great time and I'll keep this memory for years!" - Gary from Portsmouth, Rhode Island

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